Happy New Years!! January 16 2015 1 Comment
2014 has been a great year for us—and hopefully you, too!—but definitely for us.
And we’re proud to announce that we’ve got some big things happening in 2015. First, we’re getting a professional photographer to replace all of my crappy iPhone pictures. We also have a (from what I’m told) a competent web developer whose going to make our site look like less of a train wreck.
And as for candles! We’ve got new ones brewing. We’ll be releasing at least three new candles over the next month and we’re almost done with picking a winner for the Strawberry naming contest that we totally haven’t forgotten about.
Enjoy the last night of 2014. See you all next year -- Mark
First Post January 11 2015
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Friday's Flicking Update December 17 2014
I had no idea there were so many drunk and divorced people who had an affinity for Helen Keller’s pastries. Freshly Signed Divorce Papers, Smells like a DWI, and Helen Keller’s Key Lime Pie have all sold out. And, I only have a few left in stock in many of my other fragrances. I could not have asked for a better start to the Flicking Candle Company.
I have found my little online shop reposted on many other sites this past week, and I want to thank everyone who shared, upvoted, and liked it. I’ve had letters from people all over the world, and plenty of you have written to me personally. This morning I saw my shop was featured on the Huffington Post, thanks to Brittany Wong. Danny Cox of also gave us a great review. Brittany & Danny, you will be getting some of my finest candles sent your way once I get all of this under control.
The good news is that I will have a much bigger stock of candles for sale in the near future; the bad news is that the near future is roughly this time next week (July 3rd or 5th).
If you haven’t signed up for my newsletter yet, please do so. A link can be found here. I have yet to use it, but I will notify customers through that email list once I get more supplies. I will also be using that news letter for future announcements.
Have a great weekend!
– Mark
Just another quick update to all customers: December 02 2014
We have another massive set of shipments going out Monday. If you ordered this past week and haven’t received a shipping email, you should be getting one Monday (12.15).
If you have any questions or special requests, just email He’s sitting at his computer just waiting for your email.
We also wanted to update our customers on the strawberry naming contest. We realized we said we’d have a winner picked by now, but the problem is we have literally hundreds of submissions and some really funny avenues to choose. Since this will be a spring scent, we want to do it right and not rush it. We promise we’ll be revealing the winner and label soon.
In other news, if you order two (or more) candles, make sure you use the secret coupon code: 2for25. If you don’t, we’ll laugh at you-- not with you.
Lastly, we have a big flicking newsletter that comes out every couple of months. Sign up here.
With love, -- Mark